Have You Settled with Your Career Goals?

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Have you become mediocre without even realizing it?

How often do you carry on with your day, week or month unconsciously going through the motions?

How often do you think about what you truly desire or what is most important?

Answer this question honestly…

“Do I strive for excellence or have I settled for mediocrity?”

Striving for excellence is hard. It takes consistent effort day in and day out without immediate gratification. It can become boring and mundane. You have to be committed to be excellent.

If you want to have a MUCH greater impact at work and at home it’s important to schedule time to think and be intentional. Not establishing your key priorities and intentions, and setting standards may be preventing you from reaching your full potential and experiencing excellence.

Here are some tips on how you can strive for excellence instead of settling for mediocrity:

  1. Set your intentions daily. Identify what you want to accomplish each day. Are you running your day or is your day running you? What are you doing to ensure your daily activities are aligned with your key priorities? Stay out of “busy” mode and move into “productive” mode by delegating or deleting non- value activities. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to do everything, and everything does not have get done!

  2. Think about your personal brand experience. Yes, even on zoom. How are you showing up? Are you still wearing athleisure wear, skipping the pulled together hairstyle and finished face? Does you head fade into your zoom background making it difficult for others to concentrate on what you are actually saying? What does your environment look like. Strive to look and act as the successful professional you are; confident, capable and polished. Tough love here- how you look, and act impacts how people perceive you.

  3. Simplify. Streamline your wardrobe to only the pieces that you love and support your professional and personal life and goals. Get rid of the rest. This will make your morning routine a lot easier. Everything you wear and use tells a story. Make sure it is the story you intend.

  4. Standards. Have you established any and are you committed to them or do you have a more laissez faire attitude? Excellence is impossible without standards.

  5. Invest in personal development. How are you improving your knowledge, skills and self? If you don’t invest in you, no one else will either. You are worth it!

  6. Reflect. Take time at the end of each day to review how your day went. Evaluate what went well and what could be improved on. It’s impossible to improve anything if you do not track and measure it.

What will you do with what you know and who can help you?

Accountability is key.

Isabel Kateman

Isabel Kateman is a Squarespace web designer and brand strategist. She loves chai lattes and cozy sweaters, is passionate about rescue dogs, and is currently trying to curb her purse obsession.


Practice Tracking and measuring your progress